Lutsol je dodatak ishrani koji sadrži ekstrakte ploda testeraste palme i semena bundeve, u kombinaciji sa likopenom, cinkom, selenom i vitaminom D. Doprinosi zdravlju prostate i održavanju normalne urinarne funkcije kod benigne hiperplazije prostate muškaraca iznad 45 godina.
- Testerasta palma doprinosi zdravlju prostate i održavanju normalne urinarne funkcije kod benigne hiperplazije prostate muškaraca iznad 45 godina
- Selen doprinosi normalnoj spermatogenezi.
- Vitamin D, cink i selen doprinose normalnoj funkciji imunog sistema.
- Cink doprinosi održavanju normalnog nivoa testosterona u krvi.
- Cink i selen doprinose zaštiti ćelija od oksidativnog stresa.
- Seme bundeve predstavlja značajan izvor esencijalnih masnih kiselina, vitamina E, fitosterola. Tradicionalno se koristi u medicini kod problema sa mokrenjem i kod benigne hiperplazije prostate.
Licopen ima dobar terapijski efekat na BPH sa LUTS simptomima što može značajno poboljšati kvalitet života pacijenata bez izazivanja neželjenih dejstava
LUTS – Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms:
- Slab i isprekidan mlaz urina.
- Naprezanje da bi započelo mokrenje.
- Iznenadni nagon za mokrenjem.
- Često buđenje noću da bi se mokrilo (nokturija).
- Često mokrenje.
- Osećaj nepotpunog pražnjenja bešike.
Non-hormonal treatment for male infertility: the potential role of Serenoa repens, selenium and lycopene
R Cannarella 1, A E Calogero, R A Condorelli, F Giacone, L M Mongioi', S La Vignera By triggering multiple inflammatory and oxidative pathways, the combined administration of SrE, selenium and lycopene might likely improve the sperm quality.
Serenoa repens, lycopene and selenium versus tamsulosin for the treatment of LUTS/BPH. An Italian multicenter double-blinded randomized study between single or combination therapy (PROCOMB trial)
Giuseppe Morgia 1, Giorgio I Russo, Salvatore Voce, Fabiano Palmieri, Marcello Gentile, Antonella Giannantoni, Franco Blefari, Marco Carini, Andrea Minervini, Andrea Ginepri, Giuseppe Salvia, Giuseppe Vespasiani, Giorgio Santelli, Sebastiano Cimino, Rosalinda Allegro, Zaira Collura, Eugenia Fragalà, Salvatore Arnone, Rosaria M Pareo Conclusion: SeR-Se-Ly + tamsulosin therapy is more effective than single therapies in improving IPSS and increasing Qmax in patients with LUTS.
[The association of Serenoa repens, lycopene and selenium is superior to Serenoa repens alone in reducing benign prostatic hyperplasia]
Francesco Squadrito 1, Giuseppe Morgia
Serenoa repens (SeR) is frequently associated with other natural compounds, such as lycopene (Ly), a carotenoid, and selenium (Se), an essential trace element, to increase its therapeutic activity in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The LY-Se-SeR association has a greater and stronger anti-inflammatory activity than SeR alone. In addition, the LY-Se-SeR combination is more effective than SeR alone in reducing prostate weight and hyperplasia, augmenting apoptosis, and reducing cell proliferation and growth factor expression. This experimental evidence suggests that Ly-Se-SeR association is superior to SeR alone in reducing benign prostate growth